

Updated at 10/07/19 09:21

The Evaluation Committee of Requests for Total Leave of Administrative Technical Servers - TAEs of the Jataí Regional of the Federal University of Goiás, in the use of its legal attributions defined by the Management Council Resolution / REJ/UFG n. 004/2017 and considering the provisions of Resolution CONSUNI 02/2014 and in accordance with Law 8,112/1990, Law n.11.091/2005, Decree n.5707/2006 and Decree 5,825/2006, makes public the registrations opening for Public Announcement n.001/2018 - Selection and Classification Process for the Total Removal of Technical and Administrative Education (TAE) Servers from Regional Jataí in order to qualify for stricto sensu postdoctoral and postgraduate studies.


Applications must be made from February 5, 2018 to February 9, 2018 at the Postgraduate General Secretariat from 7:00am to 12:00pm and from 1:00pm to 5:00pm.



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Última atualização em Sexta, 02 de Fevereiro de 2018, 16h15.

1 -  TAE 001/2018 RETREAT ANNOUNCEMENT Icone Pdf