
Call for Research Assistant Selection

By Coordenação de Pós-graduação PRPG/JATAÍ. On 10/11/19 08:21 .

      The Project Coordination EU QUERO (Engaging Users for Quality Enhancement and Rights: Strengthening the maternal and child healthcare system over the first 1000 days in Brazil) in Goiás opens selective process for research assistant scholarship to work in the project EU QUERO approved on the Call CONFAP - MRC:HEALTHSYSTEMS RESEARCH NETWORKS.

       EU QUERO is a result of the association between the Federal University of Goiás - Jataí Regional (UFG/REJ), the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA) and the University of Southampton (United Kingdom), sponsored by the Goiás State Research Support Foundation (FAPEG), Maranhão Research and Scientific Development Foundation (FAPEMA) and The Newton Fund - Medical Research Council (MRC).


For further information, access the call below:

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