Abandono 2


By Coordenação de Pós-graduação PRPG/JATAÍ. On 12/03/18 09:31 .

Abandoning animals is a crime according to Federal Law N. 9.605/98 and Decree Law n. 24.645/34, whether on University Campus or any other location. The penalty for those who abandon or mistreat dogs and cats is imprisonment, from three months to a year, and a fine. The penalty is increased from one sixth to one third if the animal dies.

The Federal University of Jataí has 24 hours of monitoring through cameras distributed in Campus facilities. If you've seen any practices of abandonment or abuse, report, so legal actions will be taken.


Abandono 1

Abandono 2

Categories: notícias

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Abandono 1 79 Kb b3bd8ccfdc27e883550721135904e07b
Abandono 2 38 Kb 697f9664d673eb2d87c63ce7362beec3